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Wetland Genocide In The South ~ The Green Swamp
The Concerned Citizens of Southeastern North Carolina are committed to restoring and protecting the wetlands of the Southeastern United States. We take seriously the claims of citizens who believe that their personal freedoms have been violated by industry,development, or even other individuals blinded by their pursuit of private gains.

If we as citizens look beyond the media reports, self-awarded gold medals, and the seemingly glowing attributes of the local timber industry as the standard bearer for good environmental stewardship, we will find a picture they don't want us to see.

The urgency of the timber industry to install locked gates at all side roads into the Green Swamp combined with reports of surveillance cameras in forestry owned swampland certainly gives the impression that there IS something to hide back there!

Hunting Contract Modified

In 1999 a Brunswick County hunter was instrumental in creating public awareness of possible wetland violations in the Green Swamp hunting lands. The press and local television crews were frequent visitors to the former wetland, and letters to the editor were fast and furious.

The 2000 - 2001 hunting leases issued by timber giant "International Paper Company" could effectively silence the voices of local hunters. Read the exerpt and draw your own conclusions!

#28 "Lesee shall not bring onto the property any agency, individual, or competitor for any other purposes without the express written permission of lessor. No media information, either written, photographs, or video, or in any other form, referring to lands covered under this agreement or any other Lessor lands shall be released for distribution for any purpose without the express written permission of Lessor. Failure to comply with these terms shall be a cause for immediate termination of this agreement by Lessor."

Wetland conversion of Honey Island Swamp in Brunswick County, NC